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Meet Nicki! If we don’t see her on Piedmont machine #4, we always ask…”Where’s Nicki!?”. A staple of X˙CORE and one of our pillars through the pandemic, Nicki has been a bright light for X˙CORE. Sometimes we’ll sneak some Abba in just to catch a glimpse of her waving her arms and bobbing her head to the beat of the music. Thank you, Nicki, for bringing the cheer into out lives!

Favorite East Bay spot to grab a bite?

Doña on Piedmont Ave. Their vegetarian tacos and Palomas are the perfect combo!

How did you find your way to XCORE?

After decades of barre and yoga, I was looking for something different and challenging. The studio on Piedmont Ave had just opened. Perfect timing!

Favorite xBurn spot and why? (We know you love machine 4!)

I like being next to a mirror and usually go for Spot 4.

What song or genre are you most excited to hear in class?

As Elaine can attest: anything Abba or 80s inspired!

Strangest thing in your purse right now?

I’ve stopped carrying a purse!

Most beautiful place you've visited?

I have three: my home country South Africa, Israel and New Zealand.

It's Jewish Heritage month, do you have any family traditions that are especially meaningful to you?

We do a family Shabbat dinner every Friday night. I bake challah almost every week, we light candles and say all the blessings, and then eat together. Even if the kids are going out or have sports games, we do Shabbat before.

Any tips for fellow XCORE community members that might be looking for Jewish activities in Oakland and Piedmont?

The East Bay Jewish community is very active and vibrant - so much going on all the time for people of all ages! I recommend checking out the East Bay JCC, Urban Adamah, Jewish Studio Project, PJ Library… there’s definitely something for everyone.

Any fun facts you think the XCORE community might not know about you?

I love open water swimming and I’ve swum Alcatraz twice. I have two adorable dachshunds who are the loves of my life (after my husband and kids of course!). My (not so) secret passions are knitting and watching British crime shows.
