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Meet Patrick! He's a silent warrior who we've seen get stronger and stronger by the week. He's been an amazing staple of our community and we're thrilled to highlight him as Marin's first client spotlight! Thanks, Patrick, for being a bright light at X˙CORE.

Favorite Bay Area spot to grab a bite?
Good Luck Dim Sum in the Richmond District

How did you find your way to X˙CORE?
Through my wife, Delna!

You get a random day off -- how do you spend it?
Hiking, playing basketball, getting a nice coffee and taking a steam!

What three TV characters do you most relate to?
Michael Bluth (arrested development), Nick Miller (New Girl), Cory Matthews (Boy Meets World)

What song or genre are you most excited to hear in class?
Anything Top 50 Hip-hop. Still waiting for Sandstrom to make its debut (

Strangest thing in your bag right now?
I wish it was something strange. Random socks is probably the right answer.

Where is the next place on your travel bucket list?

Last thing you've binge watched?

Tell us your corniest joke.
Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels.

Any fun facts you think the XCORE community might not know about you?
Spent a brief time living in Detroit!
