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1,000 classes!

Shoutout to our incredible squad of unstoppable warriors who've conquered 1000 classes! You all are absolute LEGENDS, and we gotta give mad respect for your unmatched commitment and unwavering hustle.

With each class, you've unleashed your inner power, pushing limits, and unlocking new levels of strength. Your dedication to smashing goals and prioritizing your well-being is truly awe-inspiring.

As part of The Baddest crew, you're setting the bar high and motivating others to step up their game.

Congratulations, Baddest fam, on hitting the remarkable milestone of 500+ classes! Keep dominating, keep pushing boundaries, and continue to inspire us all with your badassery.

1K+ Classes:

  • Lisa

  • Craig

  • Kim

  • Linda

  • Steph
